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Diploma, IT & Telecommunication, Real Estate & Property, Sarjana, SWASTADiploma, IT & Telecommunication, Real Estate & Property, Sarjana, SWASTA - Lokasi:
Jakarta - Tipe Pekerjaan:
Full Time - Pendidikan:
D3, S1 - Pengalaman:
1 - 4 Tahun
Karirtalk.com – ASTRA selalu berkomitmen sepenuh hati untuk menjaga kelangsungan bisnisnya serta semangat untuk menjadi kebanggaan bangsa. Sebagai langkah untuk memperkuat rangkaian nilai bisnisnya, ASTRA telah memasuki sektor properti dengan mendirikan Astra Property. Perusahaan ini memulai perjalanan bisnisnya sebagai Divisi Properti PT ASTRA International Tbk pada tahun 2013, dan kemudian berkembang menjadi badan hukum independen pada tahun 2016. Saat ini, Astra Property telah tumbuh menjadi entitas yang mengelola enam anak perusahaan yang bergerak di berbagai aspek pengembangan, pengelolaan, dan investasi dalam bidang properti.
Selain itu, Astra Property saat ini juga membuka peluang karier dengan mengumumkan berbagai lowongan pekerjaan. Ini adalah kesempatan yang sangat menarik bagi Anda yang ingin bergabung dengan perusahaan yang memiliki komitmen kuat terhadap pertumbuhan berkelanjutan dan prestasi tinggi dalam berbagai sektor bisnis, termasuk sektor properti. Dengan beragamnya lini bisnis dan portofolio yang dimiliki oleh Astra Property, perusahaan ini merupakan tempat yang menarik bagi Anda yang ingin berkarier di industri properti yang dinamis dan berkembang pesat.
Lowongan Kerja di Astra Property
1. System Engineer
- Able to handle: incident handling task, fulfillment task, problem handling, changes execution, and network, system & service monitoring routine maintenance. Review & design architectures, proactively seeks for improvement.
Requirements :
- Minimal S1 in IT, Computer Science, Telecommunication or any related fields.
- Have skill to manage, troubleshooting. and preventive maintenance.
- Have MCSA/MCSE certificate.
- Have infrastructure Microsoft Azure Administrator certificate.
- Willing to learn new things and have a good interpersonal skill both verbal non-verbal.
2. Network Engineer
- Carry out administration, management and maintenance of company network infrastructure and systems. Planning, designing, executing and maintaining infrastructure projects. Keep up-to-date with technological developments, propose and implement improvements if necessary.
Requirements :
- Minimal S1 in Computer Science or Computer System.
- Have work experience as system and network administrator, setting up & using network monitoring system PRTG.
- Understand networking techniques (NAT, switching, routing, etc.).
- Have MCSA/MCSE, CCNA, and AZ-104 certification.
3. Back End Developer
- Plan, design, develop and maintain applications. Carry out management and maintenance of application systems. Keep up-to-date with technological developments, provide business process and or system development/improvement proposals.
Requirements :
- Minimal S1 in Computer Science or related fields.
- Minimal 4 years experience working as a backend developer in designing, developing and troubleshooting application systems.
- Have the ability to apply software development design patterns and manage cloud-based servers, including the application of related cybersecurity practices.
- Have good interpersonal skills and verbal and non-verbal communication abilities.
4. Cyber Security Analyst
- Planning & design road map for security operation, Maintains the definition and documentation of our cyber security standard processes and governance models. Develop security awareness materials related to information security. Planning the Implementation of new/updated information security hardware/software.
Requirements :
- Minimal S1 in Computer Science or related fields.
- Have good knowledge in security policy, governance, compliance and basic computer security.
- Understand common networks services, network vulnerabilities, and network attack patterns.
- Familiar with security assessment tools (NMAP, ISS, Nessus, etc.).
- Have CEH, CISSP, CISA, or CISM certification are preferred.
5. Business APP Functional
- Carry out management and maintenance of Dynamic 365, SharePoint, Power App and Power Automate systems. Planning, designing, executing and maintaining application development projects. Stay up-to-date with technological developments, provide suggestions for the development/improvement of business processes and or systems.
Requirements :
- Minimal S1 in IT or Information System.
- Minimal 4 years experience as a Dynamics 365 functional consultant.
- Minimal 2 years experience as a power platform and SharePoint consultant.
- Have certification:
1.Dynamic 365 Finance Functional Consultant Associate.
2.Dynamic 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Associate.
6. Business APP Technical
- Hands-on technical implementation and deployment, develop and customize technical specifications and reports within the Microsoft D365 F8O, SharePoint & Power Platform. Collab with solution architect, functional, technical and infrastructure lead to define solution architecture. Configuration services to meet the customer’s requirements and test & QA developments.
Requirements :
- D3/S1 in IT or related fields.
- Minimal 2 years of working experience in the related fields (experience in develop API in Dynamics 365 or one full cycle Microsoft Dynamics 365 Project).
- Good in X++, MS SQL Server, C#, ASP.net, IIS, SSRS.
- Experience with Azure DevOps or other version control systems and Microsoft Certifications for Dynamics 365 F8O/AX and Power Platform is a plus.
Cara Melamar Pekerjaan
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