- Tanggal Publish:
- Kategori:
Diploma, Magister, Mining, Oil & Gas, Sarjana, Semua Jurusan, SWASTADiploma, Magister, Mining, Oil & Gas, Sarjana, Semua Jurusan, SWASTA - Lokasi:
Jakarta, Palu - Tipe Pekerjaan:
Full Time - Pendidikan:
D3, S1, S2 - Pengalaman:
1 - 8 Tahun - Batas Lamaran:
19 - 20 Juni 2023
Karirtalk.com – PT Citra Palu Minerals (PT CPM) adalah sebuah perusahaan yang didirikan di Indonesia sebagai perusahaan terbatas dengan persetujuan Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA). PT CPM memegang Kontrak Karya (KK) Generasi VI dalam sektor pertambangan untuk eksploitasi bahan galian logam dasar. Kontrak ini ditandatangani oleh Menteri Pertambangan dan Energi atas nama pemerintah Republik Indonesia pada tanggal 28 April 1997 dan telah disetujui oleh Presiden RI melalui Persetujuan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor B.143/Pres/3/1997 pada tanggal 17 Maret 1997. PT Citra Palu Minerals (PT CPM) saat ini sedang membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi yang tersedia.
Lowongan Kerja di PT Citra Palu Minerals
1. Manager Finance
Requirements :
- Male or Female
- Maximum age 40 years
- S1 Accounting Education
- Experience working in the same field minimum 8 years
- Have good presentation and negotiation skills.
- Understand bookkeeping and accounting principles, practices, standards, laws and regulations related to finance.
- Understand the problem of taxation/tax law
2. Manager Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Requirements :
- Male or Female
- Minimum age 30 years
- Minimum S1 Accounting/Management/Finance/ Industrial Engineering
- Minimum 5 years experience in the same position
- Having experience in the same field will be a plus
- Have experience in handling Procurement, Demand Planning, Warehouse and Logistics in mining
- Mastering Microsoft Office and Excel programs (Vlookup, pivot table, sumif, etc.)
3. Superintendent Permitting
Requirements :
- Age 28-40 years
- S1 education, preferably Industrial Engineering, Communication Studies
- Min 5 years experience in mining
- Experienced in managing RKAB and managing permits mining
- Have good communication and negotiation skills
- Able to monitor licensing documents
- Work locations in Jakarta and Palu
4. Financial Control
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s degree in Accounting or Finance
- Thorough knowledge of Accounting principles and procedures
- Have at least 5+ experience in the similar field
- Experience with creating financial statements
- Experience with general ledger functions and the month-end/year end close process
- Excellent administration Skills
5. Superintendent Accounting
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s or Higher degree in Accounting
- Strong understanding of accounting theory
- 5+ years accounting/tax supervisor experience
- Preferably candidate with tax knowledge and experience
- Having job experience in Financial Consultant Company
- Have Brevet A & B Certificate
6. Superintendent Security
Requirements :
- Male
- 3 Years experience as Security Supervisor
- It is mandatory to have a Gada Utama Certification
- Minimum education D3
- Can operate computer
- Willing to live in company mess and work in site area
- Have a certificate of intelligent and investigation
7. Superintendent Businees Analyst
Requirements :
- Male or Female
- Maximum age 40 years
- S1 Accounting Education inerals
- Experience working in the same field minimum 7 years
- Have good presentation and negotiation skills.
- Understand bookkeeping and accounting principles, practices, standards, laws and regulations related to finance.
- Understand the problem of taxation/tax law
8. Crew Mekanik
Jobdesk :
- Pengecekan unit: pengencangan, pelumasan dan clean up.
- Bertanggung jawab atas maintenance Teknisi Pump/Filter Press area pabrik
- Bertanggung jawab atas maintenance /pabrikasi.
- Bertanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan service preventive maintenance berdasarkan hour meter sesuai dengan standart maintenace.
- Mencatat dan melaporkan kegiatan pemeliharaan.
- Menjaga kebersihan area kerja dan alat kerja sesuai standart mutu kesehatan, keselamatan kerja dan lingkungan.
- Melakukan pekerjaan lain yang dibutuhkan sesuai dengan perintah dari atasan.
- Mengimplementasikan aspek mutu dan K3L dalam pekerjaan.
Kualifikasi :
- Laki-laki
- Usia maksimal 30 tahun
- Pendidikan S1
- Memiliki pengalaman kerja
Cara Melamar Pekerjaan
- Colour Photo
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Job application letter
- Photocopy of KTP, Family Card, Diploma
- Drug-Free Certificate (Napza)
- Covid19 vaccine dose 2
- Certificate of training/competence
Jika Anda sudah memenuhi semua persyaratan yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya dan tertarik untuk bergabung dengan PT Citra Palu Minerals, Anda bisa mengajukan lamaran kerja melalui:
in PDF format and write a subject according to the position applied for