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Agribisnis, Sarjana, SWASTAAgribisnis, Sarjana, SWASTA - Lokasi:
Kalimantan Timur - Tipe Pekerjaan:
Full Time - Pendidikan:
S1 - Pengalaman:
2 - 3 Tahun
Karirtalk.com – PT Teladan Prima Agro Tbk, bersama dengan anak perusahaannya yang dikenal sebagai Teladan Prima Group, merupakan perusahaan di bidang agribisnis yang fokus pada perkebunan dan pabrik pengolahan kelapa sawit. Perusahaan ini telah aktif sejak tahun 2004 dan terletak di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, dengan jangkauan operasi dari Kabupaten Berau hingga Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara.
Teladan Prima Agro berperan penting dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dan pertumbuhan ekonomi Republik Indonesia. Perusahaan ini berkomitmen untuk berkontribusi dalam membangun ekonomi daerah melalui penciptaan lapangan kerja, pemberdayaan masyarakat setempat, peningkatan infrastruktur, dan penyediaan listrik. Saat ini, PT Teladan Prima Agro Tbk sedang membuka kesempatan kerja bagi Anda yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan.
Lowongan Kerja di PT Teladan Prima Agro Tbk
1. Asisten Transportasi
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s Degree of Mechanical Engineering
- Have at least 3 years experience as a technician in the field of Palm Oil Plantation
- Physically & mentally fit.
Responsibilities :
- Responsible for providing annual, monthly, weekly and daily budget plans.
- Organizing routine maintenance for all units of heavy equipment/vehicles/supporting machines/other equipment to support the plantation operational activities.
- Organizing transportation for Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB), fertilizers, janjang kosong, and other transportation.
- Conduct maintenance for roads, bridges and other infrastructure.
- Responsible to supervise the implementation of unit maintenance and the implementation of transport and infrastructure.
- Prepare the need of spareparts, fuel, and lubricant in accoordance to the part catalog and specifications.
- Responsible to implement occupational health & safety and environmental aspects in accordance with applicable regulations.
- Organizing the administrative system in accoordance with company regulations.
2. Estate Administration (Kasie)
Requirements :
- Bachelor’s Degree of Accounting is preferred.
- Minimum 2-3 years of experiences in similar role & Palm Oil Company.
- Familiar with Stock Opname, Budgeting, Journaling, & Reconciliation, Etc.
- Proficient in using Accounting Program (e.g. SAP & PIS)
- Communicative, collaborative & proactive.
Responsibilities :
- Preparing administrative activities so that data receipts and business unit reports (PIS & SAP) are well coordinated and timely.
- Coordinating with the Field Assistant in terms of budgeting and recording costs that occur in accordance with the posts that have been budgeted.
- Assist the Estate Manager in terms of the tasks of financial administration, personnel and financial administration, personnel and other general administration.
- Carry out administrative activities for procurement of goods and personnel.
- Conduct stock-taking of goods in the warehouse of the business unit and match it with inventory according to the inventory card and stock in the program periodically.
- Collecting/withdrawing funds that will be carried out by the business unit so that the payment of salaries of employees and partners is on time and making Cash Opname.
- Perform the function of assistance and supervision to employees and partners of outside parties under their responsibility.
Cara Melamar Pekerjaan
Jika Anda sudah memenuhi semua persyaratan yang telah dijelaskan sebelumnya dan tertarik untuk bergabung dengan PT Teladan Prima Agro Tbk, Anda bisa mengajukan lamaran kerja melalui:
Subject: Name – Position